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Student Consumer Disclosures
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires institutions of higher education to provide helpful consumer information about their operations to prospective students and their parents. This Consumer Disclosures website is intended to provide a central clearinghouse for University of Mississippi Medical Center information that is compliant with the law and helpful to those interested in various aspects of UMMC`s operations.
Non-loan related disclosure requirement
- Availability of institutional and financial aid information
- Student financial assistance
- General institutional information
- Privacy of student records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Facilities and services available to students with disabilities
- Price of attendance
- Refund policy, requirements for withdrawal and the return of Title IV, HEA Financial Aid
- Textbook information
- Academic program (educational programs, instructional facilities and faculty)
- Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements
- Institutional and program accreditation, approval or licensure
- Student activities
- Health and safety
- Drug and alcohol abuse prevention program
- Vaccinations policy
- Security report (including emergency response and evacuation procedures), timely warnings and crime log
- Security report - Missing person notification policy
- Fire safety report and fire log
- Information for crime victims about disciplinary hearings - Jeanne Clery Act
- Student outcomes
- Voter registration
- Disclosure requirements relating to education loans
- (L-1) State grant assistance
- (L-2) Student loan information published by Department of Education
- (L-3) National student loan data system
- (L-4) Entrance counseling for student borrowers
- (L-5) Exit counseling for student borrowers
- (L-6) Private education loan disclosures (including self-certification form)
- (L-7) Code of conduct for education loans